South Africa (2015 – present)

UCT logoThe University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa offers a specialised post-graduate diploma in pesticide risk management (DPRM). We teach an annual two-week course on ecotoxicology for the DPRM.

Mozambique (2012 – 2014)

Mozambique HHPs smallDuring this project, the Government of Mozambique implemented risk reduction measures for more than 100 registered highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), inclduing the cancellation of registration of 61 products.

Ethiopia (2010-2014)

PPRP AddisThe Pesticide Risk Reduction Programme (PRRP) – Ethiopia was a comprehensive programme for strengthening pesticide registration and management.

Kenya, Brazil, The Netherlands (2010 - 2012)

Carpenter beePesticide risk assessment for wild bees is still in its infancy. In this intercontinental project, a method was developed to establish pesticide risk profiles for wild bees in tropical and temperate cropping systems.

Mali, Burkina Faso (2011 – 2012)

CILSS member statesThe West-African Sahel region is unique for its regional pesticide registration system. Nine countries jointly evaluate and authorize pesticides through the Sahelian Pesticides Committee (CSP).

Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Egypt  (2008 - 2016)

CRC training EgyptIn Desert Locust control large amounts of conventional chemical insecticides are applied, even though biocontrol is on the rise. The most important regional Desert Locust Control Commissions have therefore adopted detailed environmental and health standards to minimize the risks posed by such insecticides.

Geneva, India, Ethiopia (2010 – 2011)

malaria mosquito photo CDCGiven the importance of public health pesticides for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases in humans, it is essential that they are efficacious, cost-effective, of good quality and operationally acceptable. Strong policy on testing, regulation, distribution and use of public health pesticides is an important basis for the sustainable use of such products.

Cameroun, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Morocco, Tunisia (2008 – 2013)

IRS Africa photo USAIDPublic health pesticides are used for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases in humans as well as for nuisance pest control. If not properly managed, the use of such pesticides may lead to resistance development, adverse effects on human health and the environment, accumulation of obsolete stocks, among others.

China (2006 – 2010)

silkworm PERAPThe Pesticide Environmental Risk Assessment Project (PERAP) was a cooperative programme platform between Chinese and Dutch government bodies and research institutes. It supported the Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals (ICAMA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, the national authority responsible for the pesticide registration, to develop environmental risk assessment methodologies and decision making criteria.

(FAO, Italy, 2000 - ongoing)

Madagascar FAO sLarge quantities of pesticides are still used to control migratory locusts, such as the Desert Locust, in Africa and the Middle East. Reducing the health and environmental risks of control operations is one of the spearpoints of FAO's locust control programme

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