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(FAO, Italy, 2000 - ongoing)

Madagascar FAO sLarge quantities of pesticides are still used to control migratory locusts, such as the Desert Locust, in Africa and the Middle East. Reducing the health and environmental risks of control operations is one of the spearpoints of FAO's locust control programme




[Photo: FAO]

We have been involved for many years in providing technical assistance and conducting applied research for FAO on the health and environmental impact of locust control. This includes conducting reviews of control methods and insecticides, writing guidelines and training materials and carrying out capacity buildling in locust-affected countries. We also provide the technical secretariat for the FAO Pesticide Referee Group.

Fighting locustsSome examples of reviews and guidelines:

Locust control environmental brochure

Environmental impact of barrier treatments against locusts

Review of the efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum

The Desert Locust Guidelines - No. 6: Safety and Environmental Precautions