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Kenya (2017 – 2019)

PCPB smallThe vision of the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) of Kenya is be a world class regulatory agency for pest control products. As such, they are continuously strengthening technical capacity and improving procedures.



[photo: PCPB]

The PCPB signed an agreement with Wageningen Environmental Research, part of Wageningen University and Research in The Netherlands, with the aim to build further capacity on pesticide risk assessment and registration procedures. Falconsult, the Dutch Board for Registration of Plant Protection Products and Biocides and the Centre for Development Innovation, were subcontracted to assist in project implementation.

Falconsult reviewed the administrative process for the registration of pesticides in Kenya and is involved in capacity building workshops.

View the project information page at Wageningen Environmental Research

Kenya guidanceOn of the outputs of the project was the elaboration of a Guidance document on dossier evaluation for the registration of pest control products in Kenya, which can be downloaded from the Wageningen University & Research web site.