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Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda (2017 – 2018)

EAC countries
As part of the regional integration process, the six members states of the East African Community (EAC) are developing procedures for mutual acceptance of pesticide efficacy and residue data, elaborating regional guidelines for efficacy and residue field trials, harmonizing data requirements for registration, and adopting common approaches to reduce the risk posed by highly hazardous pesticides.





The EAC is in the process of intensifying their agriculture to meet national demands for food and to increase agricultural exports. In a bid to intensify agricultural production, the EAC member states will likely see an increased use of pesticides. However, inadequate regulation, management and use of pesticides can result in environmental deterioration, reductions in agricultural productivity and adverse impacts on the health of farmers, consumers and the surrounding community. Strengthened collaboration and integration is a seen a way to better manage pesticides in the region.

We technically supported the elaboration of the harmonized data requirements for the registration of conventional chemical pesticides, as well as of the regional strategy for reduction of risks of highly hazardous pesticides.

The EAC pesticide registration and managemernt guidelines can be found here.