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Tanzania (2016)

Msipazi farm NkasiThe Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) is a coordinated initiative to boost agricultural production in southern Tanzania through public and private investment, to improve food security, reduce rural poverty and sustain the environment. Falconsult and Wageningen Environmental Research conducted a scoping study of current and future pesticide use, associated risks and identification of actions for risk mitigation.




The IUCN National Committee of The Netherlands requested Wageningen Environmental Research (WER) (formerly Alterra), part of Wageningen University & Research, to conduct a study for the SUSTAIN-Africa programme on the possible environmental consequences of pesticide use in SAGCOT and to develop further initiatives to counter the negative effects of increasing pesticide use. Falconsult was subcontracted by WER to carry out part of this activity.

The study revealed that there are many issues related to pesticide management and pesticide risks that need attention when the SAGCOT is further developed and pesticide use increases.

SAGCOT report
Download the report of the study from the Wageningen University & Research web site.