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Geneva, India, Ethiopia (2010 – 2011)

malaria mosquito photo CDCGiven the importance of public health pesticides for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases in humans, it is essential that they are efficacious, cost-effective, of good quality and operationally acceptable. Strong policy on testing, regulation, distribution and use of public health pesticides is an important basis for the sustainable use of such products.



[photo CDC]

At the request of the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) and WHO Regional Offices, we drafted Guidelines on public health pesticide management policy, both for South East Asia and for Africa. These guidelines are intended to provide national policy-makers with critical elements to develop and/or strengthen national policy for the management of public health pesticides, such as pesticides used for vector control, household pesticides and pesticides used by pest control operators.

WHO policy guidelinesDownload the African public health pesticide management policy guidelines