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China (2006 – 2010)

silkworm PERAPThe Pesticide Environmental Risk Assessment Project (PERAP) was a cooperative programme platform between Chinese and Dutch government bodies and research institutes. It supported the Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals (ICAMA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, the national authority responsible for the pesticide registration, to develop environmental risk assessment methodologies and decision making criteria.

As part of the 11th five-year Policy Programme of the Chinese Government, sustainable agriculture was promoted through rational use of pesticides. Since 2006, ICAMA has therefore been building expertise, methods and tools for environmental risk assessment.

We were subcontracted by Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra) to contribute to the elaboration of pesticide registration criteria and environmental assessment methodologies. We provided training to ICAMA staff, co-authored the Environmental Risk Assessment Handbook for Pesticides Registration in China, and developed testing and risk assessment methods for silkworm.


Download selected publications of the project:

♦ Setting environmental criteria for risk assessment – Evaluation of Chinese environmental risk assessment procedures (2014)

♦ Environmental Risk Assessment Handbook for pesticide registration in China (2014)

♦ Development of a standard acute dietary toxicity test for the silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) (Crop Protection, 2012)