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Mozambique (2012 – 2014)

Mozambique HHPs smallDuring this project, the Government of Mozambique implemented risk reduction measures for more than 100 registered highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), inclduing the cancellation of registration of 61 products.

Driven by increasing agricultural intensification, Mozambique has seen an important rise in pesticide use. The Government of Mozambique strives to minimize the adverse human health and environmental effects of pesticide use. One of the strategies chosen to achieve this was to focus specifically on risk reduction of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs), a project conducted in collaboration with FAO.


We provided technical support to the Plant Health Department of the Ministry of Agriculture. This included the identification of HHPs, occupational risk assessments, field surveys on pesticide use, and stakeholder consultations.

The project resulted in the cancellation of 61 pesticide products considered to pose unacceptable risks under Mozambican conditions, and various other risk reduction measures for an additional 52 products.

Mozambique brochureDownload the booklet describing the approach taken by this project.